Can I use Windscribe on LG webOS?
Winder SJun 11, 2024

Since LG webOS is not Android-based, there is unfortunately no way to add Windscribe to the device natively.

However, there are a few other ways you can have your LG WebOS go through Windscribe VPN:

  1. If you have a router that supports a WireGuard or OpenVPN client (specifically client, not server), then you can configure Windscribe directly on your router. Then all your devices, including the LG webOS TV can use the VPN as long as it's connected to that router. You can find the configuration files here: (Note: You need to be on a Pro plan to access Config Generators for all locations. If you have our Build-A-Plan subscription, then you can generate config files only for the locations chosen in the plan.)
  2. You can use a Firestick or AndroidTV device connected to your TV as those have compatible Windscribe apps. However, keep in mind that in this case, only web traffic from the Firestick or AndroidTV device will be routed through Windscribe, the actual webOS traffic will still use your regular connection.
  3. There is also the option of using a smart DNS service which conveniently we also offer with our ControlD service. By simply changing the DNS on the LG webOS TV, you are able to some of the same benefits of a VPN without using an actual VPN.